It’s never “just business,” it’s always personal

Year end tax planning strategies

Do you know what your expected tax bill will be this Financial Year?

Consider the following Tax Planning strategies before 30 June 2020.

  • Writing off Bad debts before 30 June
  • Adjusting for income in advance
  • Accruing Directors fees/wages before 30 June
  • Paying super pre 30 June/topping up super
  • Bringing forward or prepaying expenses such as rent, interest before 30 June
  • Taking advantage of $150k instant asset write off or writing off SBE Pool Value less than $150k
  • Dividends to repay directors loans
  • Repayment of shareholder loans before 30 June
  • Review and write off obsolete stock/adjust values/valuation method
  • Reviewing any unrealised capital losses to offset potential capital gains

To book a review of your business, contact us for a Tax Planning appointment.

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