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tax cheat tip offs2

ATO tax cheat tip-offs at an all-time high

Tip-offs to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) have reached an all-time high with close to 60,000 tip-offs received between June and May 2019 – almost double the number of the previous year. The A...
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cleaner and couriers

Cleaners and Couriers - lodging your first TPAR

If you are a business that provides a cleaning or courier service you will need to report payments you make to contractors if; the payments are for cleaning or courier services; and  you have an Aust...
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concerned businessman

What do the 1 July super changes mean for you?

From 1 July 2019, new laws prevent superannuation providers from eroding member balances with unwanted or unnecessary insurance and exit fees. Plus, inactive accounts with low balances will be moved t...
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